When the Govt and UIDAI czars openly admitted Aadhar dangers (and retracted)

2 min readMay 30, 2022


For the first time since the Government and technocrooks like Nilekani began the mandatory push for Aadhar, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) today openly admitted the security concerns associated with it. But before long, the UIDAI press release was withdrawn, after people began asking too many uncomfortable questions on this entire shady project. The Government and Nilekani have been claiming all along that Aadhar is the most secure thing ever and forcibly linked it with every possible service that an Indian citizen would use - bank accounts, phone numbers, cooking gas connections, highway toll payments, land registry..and now even an attempt to link it to the voter's card. I, for one, was forced to take it and holding out for many years because I couldn't file income tax returns without it. All this, just to bring the people under a perfect surveillance system.

In a press release, the UIDAI warned the public to not share photocopies of Aadhar with any organisation because it can be misused and advised people to take the print out of a masked Aadhar card which shows only the last 4 digits. This is a monumental goof up which poses danger to the privacy of all Indian citizens, who have trusted the govt's and technocrats' claims and shared their Aadhar details freely to avail various services. Many were forced to, because there was no other way to access some services.

But once the questions started pouring in regarding Aadhar, the Govt and the UIDAI czars went into damage control mode and withdrew the entire press release after realising that they had inadvertently admitted all the security flaws and dangers associated with misuse of Aadhar.



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